LESBIhonest, there’s nothing better than a trivia night. Get ready for a TRANSformative experience as oSTEM does Gay Trivia! Stop BI and show™ off how much more you know than everyone else! You’ll both have fun and GAYn some knowledge. Winners will earn the accolades of their peers and be invited to a meeting of oSTEM@Illinois™ next Thursday at 8PM!
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oSTEM @ Illinois Members

oSTEM @ Illinois Members
Join Us!
Send Us Your Resumes/CVs!
Please submit an updated version of your resume/CV as a PDF to
The resumes of our members are kept in our resume book, which we provide to companies who have shown support to oSTEM. This means that these companies are committed to fostering LGBTQIA+ supportive environments, and are potentially looking for candidates from our organization! This resume book will also be kept strictly confidential - the only people who will see it are our exec board members, and members of the companies who have supported oSTEM.
If you need your resume reviewed, shoot us a message on our Discord! We may be hosting a review session in the near future.
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