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In an effort to continue oSTEM@Illinois’ expansion, we are currently seeking corporate sponsors, professional mentors, and networking opportunities. On this website, you will find more information about our organization, as well as a tentative budget and list of important events. With your help, we hope to make oSTEM@Illinois an important and valuable organization in the STEM community at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Funding Objective

oSTEM@Illinois strives to provide its members with events aimed at fulfilling the mission of promoting LGBT success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematical fields. Events include: networking, professional development, and outreach with the cooperation of students, alumni, and corporate partners. A significant amount of funding is needed to maintain a strong chapter representation at national and regional conferences and for the expansion of programs that encourage involvement and mentorship. The chapter has been able to finance all of its programs and events through corporate sponsorships, departmental donations, the University’s Engineering Council, membership dues, member contributions and money from oSTEM National.

Sponsorship Packages & Benefits




  • Brand ambassador: verbal recognition, advertisement around career fairs

  • Resume database of active members

  • Co-host a general meeting

  • Logo recognition on sponsors website page and t-shirt




  • Resume database of active members

  • Co-host a general meeting

  • Logo recognition on sponsors website page and t-shirt








  • Co-host a general meeting

  • Logo recognition on sponsors website page and t-shirt








$100 or less


  • Logo recognition on sponsors website page and t-shirt









We look forward to the opportunity to tell you more about ways in which oSTEM@Illinois could help you with your recruiting and diversity goals. If you have any further questions or are interested in sponsorship, please email us at

  • Twitter B&W
  • Facebook B&W

oSTEM @ Illinois - 2022

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